Irrigation hydrant with Hydropass installed in the field


New data-driven system for more efficient irrigation

An extensive modernization project has allowed Italian farmers to achieve more productivity and reduce water consumption due to a new technology based on satellite information and meteorological data.

In the Sannio Alifano area around Naples, Italy, farmers used to pay for their water consumption based on the number of hectares they own. Therefore, a new system was needed to control and manage the actual amount of water consumed, so the farmers in the future will pay for the water they use and not for an estimated amount.

The project had four main goals: to upgrade the existing network of open channels to a complete piped pressurised network, to be able to achieve more productivity, to reduce the total water consumption and to be able to manage the continuous climate changes. 

Smart, data-driven irrigation

Knowledge is power, and in crop farming it is essential to know the right time to irrigate to achieve the best result. By using remote control systems and automated delivery groups for regulating the water distribution, water resources in the irrigation networks can be managed more efficiently. The irrigation advisory system IRRISAT provides the farmers with helpful information about when to irrigate and about the most appropriate amount of water to apply.

The system integrates remote sensing and agrometeorology and creates maps of water requirements for the crops through analysis of satellite data. Furthermore, IRRISAT measures the exact amount of water used by the farmers, so they do not pay for neither too less nor too much water. Data is integrated into a geographical information system (GIS) and made available to the end user by e-mail, SMS and designated webpage.

Illustration of how Irrisat delivers advice to the farmers

Reduced water consumptions 

AC.MO delivered about 2000 electronic hydrants to the project, which has been a cooperation between the local water company, the farmers and one of our AC.MO technicians.

The complete management software is connected to satellite control and to the existing billing system, and as the farmers now pay for the actual amount of water they use, they have become more conscious about their consumption.

The project has led to water savings of 25-30% without loss of production to the benefit of both farmers and the environment. The system has increased the farmers competition within the market, and it allows for detection of unauthorised irrigation and over-consumption. In addition, efficiency in crop farming encourages biodiversity in production and will assist in securing the landscape and the necessary food supply, and may help prevent depopulation of the area.



Hydropass is a complete smart irrigation system ideal for monitoring, planning and optimising water resources for irrigation. It is available in two main configurations: with integrated ultrasonic meter and with integrated mechanical flow meter.