Installation af VIDI Positioner ved HOFOR


Improve non-revenue water calculations and support active leakage control with VIDI Positioner

As part of the LEAKman project, VIDI Positioners are installed on sectioning valves to ensure reliable data for water balance and non-revenue water level calculations. The purpose of the LEAKman project is to implement state-of-the-art solutions for water distribution with the overall goal of minimising water loss.

The LEAKman partners did at an early stage identify the need for knowing if and when DMA boundary valves are operated, as this commonly influences non-revenue water (NRW) management and often leads to false results when conducting water balance assessment and minimum night flow monitoring.

Monitoring boundary valves increases reliability and usage of data 

Flow meters on DMA inlet pipes and shut-off valves on the pipes connecting DMAs enable water balance calculations at DMA level. Accurate water balance calculations rely on robust, precise and complete data where all water entering and leaving a DMA is monitored and measured.

Such calculations highly depend upon valid information confirming that all boundary valves are closed during the water balance assessment period. It is a well-known problem, that if the boundary valves have been opened during maintenance work, they are sometimes not brought back to closed position afterwards. In other words, monitoring the open/closed position of boundary valves can help prevent unmeasured flow between DMAs and thereby more reliable data and calculations.

HOFOR installation VIDI Positioner - 1
HOFOR VIDI Positioner installation

VIDI Positioners contribute to improved overview at Denmark’s largest utility

HOFOR, the largest utility company in Denmark, has approximately one million customers in Greater Copenhagen. They have divided the area into 65 DMA zones allowing for, among other things, calculating the water balance and monitoring water loss – one of the most cost-effective ways to spot leaks and thereby reduce NRW.

To ensure reliable data for water balance calculations, VIDI positioners have been installed as part of the LEAKman demonstration facilities at HOFOR, at three strategically important shut-off valves acting as boundary valves between DMAs. The VIDI Positioner is an IoT sensor that indicates in percentages how much the valve is open, and it reports any operating activities opening or closing the valves. Data is automatically sent to HOFOR at regular intervals and whenever the valve is operated.  Through API, data is integrated with the GIS so that the entire operation and maintenance staff automatically have direct access to the valve status information.

The valve position data is further integrated with the management information system HOMIS, developed by the LEAKman partner NIRAS, and directly connected with the hydraulic model where the hydraulic simulations then automatically will reflect the change in valve position. HOMIS will also utilise the information coming from the VIDI Positioners to disable water balance calculations during periods where the DMA boundary valves are open. This way, the VIDI Positioners ensure precise information about valve positions and allow for a better overview and automated knowledge sharing.

AVK Smart Water

AVK Smart Water develops digital solutions for valves and hydrants that enable registration of changes in the hydraulic setup and send the data directly to any preferred IT system.

VIDI Positioner registers whether a valve is open, closed or something in between. It sends a signal when the valve is being operated and continuously sends updated data on how much the valve is open.

Learn more about AVK Smart Water IoT sensors
Example of a pipe burst resulting in water waste


The LEAKman project intends to demonstrate Danish solutions to reduce water loss and to pave the way for new Danish water technology. 

The goal is to establish guidelines that can be implemented globally and help ensure efficient water distribution all over the world. Nine partners are working together on the project and besides AVK these are HOFOR, NIRAS, Grundfos, Kamstrup, DTU, Schneider Electric, Novafos and Leif Koch.

Read more about LEAKman
Too high pressure up to 22 hours a day is quite common - pressure management can lower the pressure and reduce water loss


Advantages of pressure management

Pressure management is considered the single most beneficial and cost-effective leakage management activity. A lower average pressure reduces pipe bursts and leakages - and controlling and regulating the pressure in the water supply network can thereby provide savings on resources as well as reduce the level of non-revenue water.