Delivery performance during the COVID-19 outbreak

Delivery performance during the COVID-19 outbreak

We will do whatever we can to keep our business operational, and we expect to be able to continuously deliver to all of our business partners. 18-03-2020

As we are producing valves for vital infrastructures within water supply, wastewater handling, gas distribution and fire protection, we have an obligation to ensure deliveries and thereby minimise the risk of long-term infrastructure interruptions. At this point in time, operations at AVK International A/S have not directly been affected by COVID-19.

We take responsibility for our employees' safety, and we have taken all necessary precautions in our production facilities and offices to avoid the risk of transmission of the virus.

AVK’s CEO and Owner about COVID-19

Niels Aage Kjær sends a message to all AVK business partners and employees: “As a family-owned company, we have strong values, a long term strategy and dedicated employees, and I am convinced that we will get through this together as one AVK – even stronger than before”.

Read more here.