Limitation of consumed water from mountain reservoir

Illustration of consumed water from mountain reservoir

Situation: A factory is supplied with process water from a mountain reservoir

The water is supplied by gravity, and the height difference potentially provides a too high inlet pressure to the factory. Also, it turns out that the factory has a too high consumption of water from the mountain reservoir, and there is a risk of emptying the reservoir.

Solution: Installation of a pressure reducing control valve (PRV)

To avoid a too high inlet pressure to the factory, a pressure reducing control valve (PRV) is installed at the factory inlet. To eliminate the risk of emptying the reservoir, the flow from the reservoir to the factory must be restricted. Due to the modular pilot system of the PRV, the valve is easily rebuilt to a multi-function control valve that also includes an application to limit the flow. The combination of the flow limitation and pressure reducing applications meets the requirements of both the mountain reservoir and the factory.